In December 2018, a new Ohio law will prohibit the sale, installation of unsafe used tires.
Tires which are designated safe for sale/installation will have to pass 10 mandated safety checks.
Dangers to First Responders PTSD Endangers First Responders Tire Fraud Regrooved Used Tires Cheap Chinese Tires Recycling Tires: Success Story USTMA: US Tire Manufacturer's Association Support Ohio's Used Tire Law Columbus Law Firm Abramson & O'Connell RMA Rubber Manufacturer Association USTMA OTAA: Ohio Tire & Automotive Association 3 States' Laws: Ohio, Texas and New Jersey Zinda Law Firm: Texas Ohio & PA Attorney New Jersey Tire Law New Jersey Tires Law Firm NJ 2nd Law Firm Tire Discounters Vehicle Manufactures Recommends New Tires Only
Tire Warranty, Company Contact Information
USTMA: US Tire Manufacturer's Association Support Ohio's Used Tire Law
USTMA: US Tire Manufacturer's Association Support Ohio's Used Tire Law
USTMA voiced support for Ohio's 2019 Used Tire Law to lawmakers in 2017, 2018
Columbus Law Firm talks about Ohio Used Tire
Ambrams & O'Connell Law Firm talks about Ohio's 2019 Used Tire Law.
Ambrams & O'Connell Law Firm posts blog about Ohio's 2019 Used Tire Law.
Rubber Manufacturer's Association Comes out in Support of Ohio Used Tire Law
How to Buy a Used Tire
RMA estimates that 30-35 million used tires are available for sale every year. A 2015 motorist survey sponsored by RMA found that nearly 1 in 10 motorists said their car is currently riding on tires that were bought used.
“Safety is the highest priority for the tire industry,” says Anne Forristall Luke, RMA president and CEO. “This common-sense legislation to keep dangerous used tires off the road will help improve highway and motorist safety.”
Rubber & Plastics News
COLUMBUS, Ohio—The Ohio Senate has passed a bill prohibiting the sale of unsafe used tires for road use.
The USTMA is leading a coalition to advance SB 223, the association said.
The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association sponsored the model legislationOhio Tire & Automotive Association
OTAA Talks about Used Tire Law
Legislation defining what constitutes an unsafe used tire passed out of the Committee on Public Safety and Veterans Affairs in the Ohio Senate. The bill, Senate Bill 68 is a reintroduction of legislation from the last General Assembly and companion legislation to House Bill 42. OTAA worked tirelessly with the bill sponsors and the Rubber Manufacturers’ Association to craft legislation that would protect consumers and penalize bad actors, while also avoiding regulation that would inadvertently harm the tire industry.
Specifically, Senate Bill 68 bans the sale of tires with the following characteristics: worn-out tires (tread depth measurers 2/32nds inch or less); damage that exposes a tire’s inner components such as body plies or the steel belts; inner liner damage; tires with sidewall repairs, repairs to the belt-edge area of the tire, repairs made to punctures larger than ¼ inch, repairs that do not seal a puncture from the inside of the tire through to the outside; and damaged tires treated with a tire sealant but not subsequently repaired to industry standards.
In addition, the bill stipulates that the installation of an unsafe used tire is a violation of the Consumer Sales Practices Act. The bill provides that offenders can be fined up to $1000 per violation. OTAA was successful in working with the bill sponsors to substitute the original strict liability standard for a negligence standard, adding protection for our members. OTAA supports the current version of this legislation and has provided proponent testimony.
Used Tire Laws may effect Tire Recycling
Ohio, Texas & New Jersey Legislation
Ohio, Texas and New Jersey introduced new motorist safety legislation that would safeguard drivers from potentially unsafe used tires. This may result in increased number of used tires sent for recycling.
Zinda Law Firm: Tire Injury Lawyers
Texas Tire Law Firm
When a defective used tire causes an accident, it is important to recognize the cause of the accident. Common reasons why used tires become defective and cause accidents include:
- Old tires that are deceptively sold as new tires
- Manufacturer error
- Improper storage conditions
- Auto repair shops that negligently repair an old tire
- Shallow treads
- Tire placement
- Tire tears/cracks
Dallas Hartman: Pittsburgh Attorney advertising online in Ohio
Dallas Hartman: Re: Ohio's Used Tire Law
Were you severely injured in an auto accident or due to someone's negligence? Was your family impacted by medical malpractice or wrongful death? Were you exposed to Hepatitis C? Are you having difficulty obtaining Social Security or workers' compensation benefits? We represent clients throughout Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Attorney Dallas W. Hartman and his team of experienced lawyers are ready to help you receive the answers you need and the compensation you deserve. If you are not able to meet us at one of our offices in New Castle, Pittsburgh, Butler, Erie, Hermitage, Cranberry Township or Youngstown, Ohio, we will be happy to meet with you at your home or hospital. For more than 25 years, our team of lawyers has offered immediate assistance representing accident victims, injured workers, victims of medical malpractice, legal malpractice and wrongful death claims in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Governor Christie Signs Bill Fining Companies That Sell Unsafe Used Tires
NJ Governor Christie Signs Used Tire Bill
Under the new law, it only takes a single unsafe condition on a tire for a business to be hit with a $500 fine for selling one.
Unsafe conditions include: worn-out tread, visible damage or improper repairs, according to the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA), a trade group in support of the legislation.
The legislation does not ban all used tire sales, but instead targets used tires that show specific, well-established, unsafe conditions, according to the USTMA.
Bramnick Law Firm: New Jersey Attorneys talk about Used Tires
New Jersy Attorney Bramnick Law Firm
It is generally recommended to not purchase used tires, especially when the history of the tires is unknown. Still, the necessity for a newer tire than what you already have, coupled with a limited amount of money to spend, can lead to you purchasing used tires for your car. If that’s the case, it is essential to try and find tires that are no more than one year old.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Skilled New Jersey Car Accident Attorney Today
When it comes down to it, the safety of you, the driver, as well as any passengers in your car, is paramount and dependent on the tires the car sits on. If you can avoid used tires, you probably should.
Unfortunately, accidents do happen. Sometimes, those accidents can happen because of used tires. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Newark, East Brunswick, Cherry Hill, or anywhere else in NJ, you might need an experienced lawyer on your side. The New Jersey personal injury lawyers at Bramnick, Rodriguez, Grabas, Arnold & Mangan, LLC are equipped to help you with your auto accident. Call 877-423-4878 for a free consultation and begin building your case today.
James C DeZeo: New Jersey Defective Tire Lawyer
New Jersy Attorney Bramnick Law Firm
At The Law Offices of James C. DeZao, P.A., we care deeply about the safety of New Jersey’s motorists. We expect the tire and automotive industries to behave responsibly and obey the law. When they don’t, we are prepared to hold them accountable and fight for comprehensive compensation for victims.
This webpage will explain some of the common problems relating to defective tires in New Jersey. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident involving a damaged or defective tire, a Parsippany personal injury attorney at our firm can help.
As the automotive industry knows all too well, tires that are more than six years old are dangerous, regardless of their appearance, tread depth, or extent of use.
Think of it like a rubber band. Even if you put one in your drawer and never touch it again, it’s ready to crumble a few years later. Rubber just can’t last.
Internal tire degradation happens when tires weaken in integrity over time. It’s often impossible to detect degradation with the naked eye, but it’s happening nonetheless. Even experts have a difficult time assessing the roadworthiness of a tire before it falls apart, and that’s why the age of the tire is such an important indicator of safety.
Tire Discounters Supports Ohio Law
Tire Discounters New Tire Seller
Tire Discounters Inc. is among the tire dealers in Ohio celebrating the state legislature's passage of S.B. 223, which prohibits the installation of unsafe used tires.
Jamie Ward, president of Tire Discounters, is also on the board of the Ohio Tire & Automotive Association (OTAA). He's been working with the association for several years to remove unsafe tires from roadways.
“This consumer protection bill is long overdue. It will prevent countless injuries and fatalities caused by unsafe tires.” says Ward.
Vehicle Manufacturers Recommend replacing tires after 6 years
Shops often won't touch Used Tire Sales & Installation
Have a set of tires on your car that still have plenty of tread left, but are a few years old? More and more car owners are learning their car's tires are too old to be patched, rotated or even balanced anymore.
One woman says a local tire shop flat out refused to touch her tires, and her experience should be a warning to everyone with tires that are a few years old.